Learn English – A ‘noun’ defining a person who believes in ‘luck’ or ‘time’


I am in search of some term that defines a person who firmly believes in 'luck' or 'time' (good time, bad time etc.). In other words, someone who thinks that all events happen in one's life is due to luck or time. You simply cannot change it.

There may not be one single term for it, but anything close will work. Do we have a portmanteau for it?

Again, my question is, I want a noun for a person who believes in 'luck' or 'time' (I'm the one!). If you think that 'luck' and 'time' are entirely different, it's okay, get me a term for any of them.

And yes, two words (hyphenated) are okay as far as they meet the requirement! Also, even if we don't have any term, how do I introduce myself as a firm 'luck-believer'?

Best Answer

Fatalist comes close, though not completely accurate.

fatalism - the belief that all events are determined by fate and, therefore, inevitable

Check other definition for fatalism here and destiny here.