Learn English – A pair of blue jeans VS a blue jeans


Please check the sentences and let me know, which one is correct?

I read somewhere:

Clad in a bluejeans and a grey jacket.

As per my opinion:

Clad in a pair of bluejeans and a grey jacket.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

When referring to any sort of jeans or pants in English, one of them is always "a pair". No fluent American English speaker says "a bluejeans" or "a pants".

You can say, "I wore a pair of bluejeans." Or you can say, "I wore bluejeans." But you can't say -- WRONG -- "I wore a bluejeans."

This is true for any clothing worn over the legs that has separate tubes of cloth for each leg, even though they are connected together. "A pair of pants ..." "A pair of shorts ..." "A pair of panty hose ..." Perhaps weirdly, it is also used for clothes that don't have separate legs, like "a pair of underwear" and "a pair of panties". But it is not used for skirts or dresses: We say "a skirt". "A pair of skirts" would mean two separate articles of clothing. Which is kind of funny when you think about it, but whatever.

If, as @oerkelens says, the usage is different in India -- I wouldn't know.