Learn English – A question about use of “too” in negative form


Is "too" able to be used in a negative sentence?

Let's see below.

Alice: I didn't like the movie.
Tom: I didn't like it, too.

Is the above correct?
The dictionary tells me that use of "either" is recommended there, but it does not say the use of "too" there is right or wrong.

How about below?

Alice: I didn't like the movie.
Tom: Me, too.

Any explanations about this matter will be so helpful.
Thank you.

Best Answer

In the negative, using "too" is wrong. It can only be used with the positive. Typically you should use 'neither', although in conversation it is acceptable to use 'either' as well. For more info see:

What is the difference between "me neither" and "me either"?