Learn English – A question from test: choose one of then, since, after, that


Here is a question from a test:

It was only ten years ago … she started her new job

  1. then
  2. since
  3. after
  4. that

As far as I remember, the correct answer is "that" (fourth one), but I have no the slightest idea why it is so.

Can anybody tell what piece of grammar it is and/or explain why "that" is the correct answer?

Best Answer

The first three aren't grammatical for these reasons:

  • the structure X then Y requires X and Y to be events. The phrase "It was only ten years ago" isn't an event; and

  • the structure X since/after Y requires X to be a duration (e.g. ten years). The phrase ten years ago is a specific point in time, not a duration.

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