Learn English – A teacher said to use “I don’t need that” instead of “I won’t be needing that” because there is no “continuous in modal verbs”


Oh, friends, I had this interesting discussion with one teacher just now, and all I want to know is, who's right?

MP, today at 18:00 you're welcome. I work in Cambridge
assessment as well, so if you need some help with your exam
preparation, I'l be happy to help you

AL, today at 18:07 I won't be needing that.

MP, today at 19:23
I don't need, there's no Continuous in modal verbs 😉

AL, today at 19:25 Who says?

MP, today at 19:26 Cambridge grammar and common sense

AL, today at 19:26 I was expressing a continuous
action with a seed of personal everlasting certainty.

AL, today at 19:29 Well, you might be grammatically
correct about it, yet, English is not all about grammar only, like in
Russian there's a certain way of expressing yourself by only breaking
certain prescriptive rules. I guess you know that already. You can't
but agree because even Cambridge, Oxford and any other agree with

MP, today at 19:30 I agree with that, but why do you
deliberately choose to sound like poorly educated person?

AL, today at 20:13 Who said it sounds like a poorly
educated person?

AL, today at 20:20 I am well sure you disagree with
yourself on this matter although you insist that this is bad Grammar,
in your opinion, it actually is not in fact. I would recommend you
take a look at some advanced explanations concerning the continuous
tense, verbs of opinion, preference and necessity, and the conjunction
of the "BE+VERB+ING".

MP, today at 20:34 of course you are absolutely right!
I've just lived in UK for 35 years and completed CELTA, TESOL and MA
in language teaching. And Cambridge grammar is wrong as well [Photo]

MP, today at 20:47 this is bad grammar that's used only by
teenagers who are trying to be cool and poorly educated people who
don't use "s" after he/she/it in Present Simple. they just say "He
work" instead of "he works" the question remains, why do you want to
sound like them? There're a lot of mistakes that native speakers make,
but it doesn't mean you have to copy

AL, today at 21:02 Sorry, but you're trying to
compare absolutely different things. Saying "He work" is definitely
bad grammar, that's basic subject-verb agreement. What I was talking
about is a very different part of grammar. You mean to say that
sentences like "Don't put away that screwdriver, I'll be needing it
soon" or "She's thinking about him now that's why she's crying", or
even "I'm wanting a beer right now" are absolutely incorrect while
most people speak like that and use it in both formal and informal
English. Not everything grammar tells us should be accepted entirely.

Best Answer

Both "I won't be needing that" and "I don't need that" are grammatical.

The problem with your teacher's logic is that "need" is not a modal in either of those. Two easy-to-detect signs of modality are:

  • They have the syntactic properties associated with auxiliary verbs in English, principally that they can undergo subject–auxiliary inversion (in questions, for example) and can be negated by the appending of not after the verb.
  • They do not inflect (in the modern language) except insofar as some of them come in present–past (present–preterite) pairs. They do not add the ending -(e)s in the third-person singular (the present-tense modals therefore follow the preterite-present paradigm).

For the first point I listed, it should be pretty obvious that not does not follow need in "I don't need". For the second point, since people say "he needs...", we know it's not modal in this sense either.

"Need" specifically is a semi-modal. Your sentence needs modification were it to use need as a modal:

I need not have help.

According to the statistics here, the modal form of need is not used very often in American English (which is why I think it sounds old fashioned). A COCA search for BE needing (capitalizing "be" means it matches all forms of the verb, such as be, were, 're, etc.) returns 356 results, so I think it's safe to say that educated speakers do use "will not be needing" and similar (I would).