Learn English – A word for “a person who does whatever he wants”


I'm looking for a word (or phrase) for describing a person who acts according to his own will, who does what his heart says, and who does whatever he wants. I tried to search in many (more than 20) dictionaries but found nothing relevant.
So, please provide a word or more for describing such a person.
Do the following sentences mean what I want?

  • He follows his heart.
  • He follows his mind.
  • He's a happy-go-lucky person.

Best Answer

There are many words, which emphasize different meaning. Some are negative.

Pleasure aspect of doing whatever you want: bon vivant, hedonist, pleasure seeker.

Going wherever you want, possibly new places (metaphorically too): globetrotter, explorer, pioneer.

Free thought, defiance: maverick, liberal, free thinker, nonconformist.

Disregard for traditional social structures: bohemian, hippie, beatnik.

Disregard for manner and social grace: boor, barbarian, brute, philistine.

Ambition: doer, achiever.

Disregard for law: criminal, outlaw, gangster, robber, lawbreaker, desperado, etc.

Acting in self-interest without regard for trust: back-stabber, snitch, cheater, two-timer.

Acting in self-interest without regard for others: egoist, narcissist.