Learn English – A word for a person who struggles to alway come off as deep and smart


The word should carry a sense of "pretending", "struggling" to sound deep, in terms of thoughts, especially using fancy words and/or belittling the ideas of others. Can you think of that word or something close?


This is the context I'm using the word in:

The way he spoke was not of a preacher's. It was devoid of pre-arrangement, fancy words, redundancy, over-used citations, dogmatism and pretention.

Best Answer

Perhaps you're looking for pedant:

pedant n
1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning.
2. a person who overemphasizes rules or details, esp. in teaching.
3. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense.

In place of pretention there you could substitute pedantry.

TheFreeDictionary, Random House

Me, I've always tended to refer to such people as pompous asses.