Learn English – A word/phrase for “voice change”


Suppose you are going to give a lecture or simply you are going to explain something to a group of people. On the other hand, you have got a cold and your voice has changed, so you want to apologize for this change in your voice which may affect your lecture.

What's the best word or phrase to describe this change in the voice?

One might say:

I'm sorry if my voice is not good (or it's not as usual)

I have found Hoarseness which refers to abnormal voice changes, but I'm wondering if I can use it in this situation (a voice change because of a cold) and say:

I'm sorry for my hoarse voice.

If not, what's the best word or phrase to say this (idiomatically)?

Best Answer

Idiomatically, I would just say;

"Please excuse my hoarseness today, I have been suffering from a cold."

That is short and sweet, and explains the situation, but does not place undue emphasis on it.