Learn English – A word to indicate a decrease in performance


There is a word which means "decrease in performance", usually used in negative context. Here are some examples:

"The city's power station usually gives a steady voltage of 220V, but at 9PM, when the TV series ends and everyone turns on a teapot, the voltage may … even to 215V".

"This algorithm solves a random instance of a problem in several seconds, but there are some specific instances on which its running time … up to a minute".

"During the rush-hour the capacity of major streets … significantly".

For Russian speakers: the exact Russian analog is "проседать", but I can't find a desired translation anywhere.

UPD: I've got one exact word on a tip of my tongue. Here are some words which may fit the gaps but are not what I need: sink, drop, sag, plummet, decrease.

Probably "degrade" is the best match I could think of.

Best Answer

You should go for a "decline/reduction" in performance. These words are more common and idiomatic.

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