Learn English – About “touch base” and its usage


I would like to inquire about the following points related to "touch base":

  1. Is "touch base" an idiom?
  2. Is it formal or informal? For example, in a work environment when the boss say to his employee: I would like to touch base with you. In this case, is it formal or informal.
  3. Can it be used convey good news or bad new? For example:

The teacher would like to touch base with her students to reward him
or punish him.

Best Answer

From dictionary.cambridge.org, collinsdictionary.com and idioms.thefreedictionary.com:

  1. "Touch base (with someone)" is an idiom.
  2. It is Informal.
  3. I don't see any restriction for conveying good/bad news with it, So you can use it freely.
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