Learn English – according to (article/no article) noun


Example with a context (How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool):

If you must document implementation-specific behavior, please document it in a separate paragraph with a lead-in phrase that makes it clear it is implementation-specific. If the implementation varies according to platform, then specify "On " at the start of the paragraph.

A few months ago I asked a similar question on this forum and somebody said that it is absolutely necessary that there be an article in front of the noun when you use the expression according to something. So, my question to you is does the way they have it written in that tech article sound totally wrong to you? I think I've seen many situations where the article was omitted. I don't even know what to think.

Best Answer

The difference is in the two different meanings of according to: corresponding with and it is claimed by .

In your first example:

  1. If the implementation varies according to platform...

"according to" means "corresponding with", thus:

  1. If the implementation varies corresponding with platform...

That is to say, if there are different implementations for different platforms. It does not mean If (a/the) platform claims that implementation varies, which is the other meaning.

Your other example:

  1. According to a new design specification from the Military-Industrial Commission in Moscow...

Does not mean "corresponding with", it means "it is claimed by":

  1. It is claimed by a new design specification from the Military-Industrial Commission in Moscow...

The difference is that in the "corresponding with" sense, "platform" is not a specific thing, but the property of another thing (a system). So it works like the word "color":

Do you like the color of this dress?

(i.e. The dress has one specific but unspecified color: do you like it?)

I generally like color in clothes.

(i.e. No black-and-white for me, I prefer clothing have color as a property.)

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