Learn English – ‘also … even’ vs, ‘even … also’


  1. In the entire history of English not one native speaker has produced "91 view", so while I am closing this as a duplicate, which it is, it really also is general reference and even common knowledge, and as such way too basic for this site.

  2. In the entire history of English not one native speaker has produced "91 view", so while I am closing this as a duplicate, which it is, it really even is general reference and also common knowledge, and as such way too basic for this site.

What, if any, is the difference in meaning between 'also' and 'even' in (1)? Is (2), in which 'also' and 'even' have been interchanged, grammatical?

Best Answer

In this case even means approximately ‘what is more, moreover’.

Even doesn’t fit well in the first part of the clause, where really implies ‘in contrast to’ the previous clause, while even implies ‘to a greater degree’—the two adverbs seem to contradict each other. It does fit well in the second part, where it lifts general reference to the even higher level of common knowledge.

The sequence may be paraphrased

I am closing this as “Duplicate”, which it is
it is actually “General Reference”, too—
ordinary “General Reference”
“Common Knowledge”,
a fact so widely known that any native speaker could be your reference.

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