Learn English – an adverbial clause of this sentence


I am learning English grammar. And I was doing exercises of replacing adverbial phrase with adverbial clause. And I am unable to replace adverbial phrase with adverbial clause in the following sentence:

"with a view to early retirement he saved his money."

First of all please explain what this sentence is saying. And what can be adverbial clause of this sentence.?


Best Answer

With a view to is an adverbial phrase and means:

a. with the aim or intention of;

b with the expectation or hope of.

Your adverbial (prepositional) phrase

With a view to early retirement he saved his money.

can be transformed into an adverbial clause in this way:

With a view to retire early he saved his money.

On the above example the subject is omitted: with a view ... [that he] retire early.

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