Learn English – Antonym of permission


What noun describes the act of forbidding something?

Just as 'permission' means allowing certain activity, is there a noun that states the opposite?

In particular, I'm looking for one that states 'disallowance' (if you allow me to make up this kind of word) a'priori, unlike 'denial', 'refusal', 'rejection', 'refusal', which all apply to a request: Imagine a grassy square where kids like to play soccer, disturbing people in nearby houses. If they ask "Can we play soccer here?" – "No, you can't" is a refusal. A sign on the grass "No playing soccer allowed" doesn't qualify as such though – it's there before intent to play even appears.

Best Answer

The closest word that I can think of that has this meaning is prohibition:

If a law or someone in authority prohibits something, they forbid it or make it illegal.

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