Learn English – Antonym of Pray


Is it a correct way to use opposite of word "pray". If not then please help me with writing this sentence in correct way.

  1. Remember me in your prayers.

  2. Remember me in your curses.

(I've never heard of this sentence i.e 2nd one, but I just translated it literally from my native language to English)

Best Answer

You are misinterpreting the use of pray.

A prayer is a request for something to happen.
That can be a good thing or a bad thing.

It may not be considered very holy to pray for someone to be cursed but it is possible. It was certainly common in earlier times to pray before a battle for your opponents to be killed easily.

Indeed in 1745 it was proposed that an additional verse be added to the English National Anthem - which is essentially a prayer set to music:

Lord, grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush
and like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the King.

The verse was not ever added to the anthem.

So to address your example sentences: Remember me in your curses would be reworded as Remember me badly in your prayers or something similar.

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