Learn English – “are come” or “have come” correct use


I read some sentences which used "all are come". Is this correct formation?

Consider the following examples:

a) "All are come to office today" (Meaning Status)

b) "All have come to office today" (Meaning completed Action)

In the above example I feel sentence b) is correct.However If he is gone and they are gone are correct then can we use He is come and they are come in English?

Correct me if I am wrong.

Best Answer

BE come on the analogy of BE gone is a good guess, and in fact in older English it was usual to use BE rather than HAVE to form the perfects of verbs of motion; but this is no longer idiomatic in Present-Day English.

Gone in "He's gone now" is what is sometimes called a deverbal: a participle that has been recategorized as an adjective. Some others are

  • done
  • excited and exciting
  • experiencing
  • finished
  • interested and interesting
  • surprised and surprising

You pretty much have to learn one by one which participles can be used as adjectives, and in what contexts: some can be used as predicate complements, some as attributives before the noun modified, some can be used both ways.

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