Learn English – Are “We’ve all” and “we all have” the same


i had been reading a paper but i haven't understood a paragraph. Can you help me?

paragraph as follows

"We've all left meetings feelings good about what we discussed only to later wonder why so little happened as a result? Where did the momentum go?

does it mean same that 2 sentences "we've all left" and "we all have left"?

Best Answer

To me, putting all before the auxiliary feels awkward, and I would only do it to put extra emphasis on all.

So, I would normally say:

We have all left rather than We all have left

We are all going rather than We all are going

We will all come rather thant We all will come.

Using the We all form for those sounds to me as if somebody has said that only some of use were leaving, going, coming, and the speaker is contradicting this with we all.

That is the case with an auxiliary, whether it is contracted or not. So

We've all left = We have all left

When there is no auxiliary, just the main verb, of course all has to precede it, so

We all have hats.

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