Learn English – Are words such as “today” and “yesterday” introductory words or adverbial phrases


When I first started learning about punctuation, I found out that you should always have commas after words such as "today," "sometimes," "yesterday," and so on. Today, I found a website that disagrees, it says:

If you have an introductory word (or two) that is being used as an adverb (usually answers the question of when, where, why, or to what degree), then no comma. If it’s being used as a conjunction, then go ahead and use a comma.

For example:
“Someday, I’d like to go on a cruise.” — This is incorrect. Someday is functioning as an adverbial phrase, answering the question of WHEN I would like to go on a cruise. Correct would be this:
“Someday I’d like to go on a cruise.”

I want to know how legitimate this website actually is. Can someone verify this for me?

Best Answer

As in many languages, in English, commas represent the pauses that a speaker would include when saying the sentence out loud. In this way it mirrors the natural rhythm of the language, which varies considerably between different dialects and different individuals.

So most rules that seem to require commas before or after certain words or phrases are simply guidelines to help you organize your English sentences. It's a good idea to learn these guidelines, and understand what purpose they serve, but then pay attention to how native speakers talk and write, and develop your own personal style.

That being said: words like "tomorrow" and "yesterday" may be followed by a comma if you wish to help separate it from the next word or phrase in the sentence. Sometimes this helps understand the sentence better:

Someday, you and I will go on a cruise.

Someday you and I will on a cruise.

The comma helps separate the ending "y" of "someday" and the starting "y" of "you" in the same way that a speaker might insert a pause there. The comma is not necessary, and it does not change the meaning of the sentence, but it does change the rhythm of the sentence to mimic natural speech patterns.