Learn English – Are”the name of the brother’s friend’s father is John’ or ‘My brother’s friend’s father’s name is John’ grammatical


How can we say complex possessive patterns?

Are these sentences grammatical?

"the name of my brother's friend's father is John' or

'My brother's friend's father's name is John'

There are some of them in my language. We have some problems when we want to translate them into English

Best Answer

They are grammatical, but they are not elegant. Stringing three possessives together as you do in your second example is particularly awkward.

I might say John is the father of my brother's friend. After all, "John" does not need to be identified as a name.

If, however, it is important to focus on the fact that "John" is merely a name, you could say The father of my brother's friend is named "John," not "Bill."