Articles – How to Use an Article Before a Proper Noun


I can't tell exactly when an article "the" should go before a proper noun. For example both sound right to me in the following examples:

These stuffs are imported from United States.
These stuffs are imported from the United States.
History of Britain can date back to Medieval.
History of Britain can date back to the Medieval.
A question is asked on ELL.SE.
A question is asked on the ELL.SE.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer


  • Use the with names of geographical areas, rivers, mountain ranges, groups of islands, canals, and oceans. Example: Hiking across the Rocky Mountains would be difficult.
  • Use the with countries that have plural names Example: I have never been to the Netherlands.

  • Use the with Organizations, government, committees, parties, associations, foundations, clubs Example: the Congress of the United States, the United Nations (the UN).

  • Use the with countries that include the words "republic", "kingdom", or "states" in their names. Example: She is visiting the United States.

  • Use the with newspaper names. Example: She works for the New York Times.

  • Use the with the names of famous buildings, works of art, museums, or monuments. Example: We went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa.

  • Use the with the names of hotels & restaurants, unless these are named after a person. Example: They are staying at the Hilton on 6th street.

  • Use the with the names of families, but not with the names of individuals. Example: We're having dinner with the Smiths tonight.


  • Do not use the with names of countries (except for the special cases above). Example: He's just returned from Zimbabwe.
  • Do not use the with names of shops Example: I'll get the card at Smith's.
  • Do not use the with uncountable nouns Example: Milk is often added to tea in England.

  • Do not use the with the names of individual mountains, lakes and islands Example: Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska.

  • Do not use the with most names of towns, streets, stations and airports Example: She lives in Florence.

For your sentences:
These stuffs are imported from the United States. (countries with states in their names)
History of Britain can date back to The Medieval. But we write: History of Britain can date back to Medieval Times.
A question is asked on ELL.SE.