Learn English – As a first stab



I cannot understand the meaning of as a first stab in the following sentence.

As a first stab, epistemology is the philosophical study of knowledge: its nature, its requirements, and its limitations.

What does it mean?

When looking in a dictionary, I found out that the meaning of the word stab is as follows: the act of pushing a knife into someone, or an injury caused by stabbing (Cambridge Dictionary)

Best Answer

You've found a definition of stab, however, look carefully at the Cambridge Dictionary entry: enter image description here

This is for the verb stab, not the noun. Since the sentence talks about making a stab at something, we need to check the noun definitions.

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These definitions don't help either, but, if we keep scrolling down, we'll find the links to idiomatic expressions:

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where we learn:

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However, we may be able to solve the mystery even more quickly simply by consulting a different dictionary. For example, Macmillan's entry for the noun stab looks like this:

enter image description here

The meaning is found in Definition 2.

By the way, a good way to look up a word in multiple dictionaries is to use OneLook.

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