Learn English – As about – I was reading an article in that magazine. It was as about the new government policies


I know this usage

With prepositions, as has the general sense of as far as, so far as, and thus restricts or specially defines the reference of the preposition; e.g. as against, as between. as anent, as concerning, as for, {as to}, as touching (Fr. quant à), have all the sense of ‘as it regards, so far as it concerns, with respect or reference to.’ [Source – Oxford]

And from this usage note I am pretty sure that one can construct "as about", just like "as to" or "as against".

So I wrote a sentence using "as about", and I think I am right about it. Here is this sentence –

I was reading an article in that magazine. It was as about the new government policies.

I searched Google, and found the following sentence –

Questions lots of kids as about their skin, hair, and nails.

But I failed to find out any other examples from web. So I guess it's very rare.

Please comment on this type of usage of "as about"

Best Answer

As far as I (a native American English speaker) know, there is no such phrase as as about.

I think the most useful way to understand the other "as" phrases is just to think of them as set idioms that can't be decomposed any further. That's pretty much how native speakers treat them. They also have a formal bent to them, and are more commonly seen in public speeches and legal or business documents than in other kinds of writing or speech.

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