Learn English – as slow as it is


I came across the following sentence.

I'm in my heavy tank. as slow as it is, I'm bringing it to the front line to help my team.

Here are two questions.

First, Can you explain "as slow as it is" more easily to me? I guess that the original form is like "As the tank is slow as it is,". Right?

Second, I can't get the meaning of 'bringing'. please explain detailed or with alternate words.

Best Answer

The construction

as adjective as it is

is used to emphasize the properties of the adjective used, meaning very + adjective

as slow as it is (very slow)
as expensive as it is (very expensive)
as complicated as it is (very complicated)
as tall as he is (very tall)
as pretty as she is (very pretty)

and is used to make a counterfactual statement

As tall as he is, he doesn't play basketball
As pretty as she is, she doesn't have a boyfriend

The use of bring in your example means to lead or to drive or to get.
It does not mean to carry.

Bring the horses around.
I didn't want to bring up the uncomfortable subject.

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