Learn English – As soon as vs. Just as or immediately after


Today I mailed notes to one of my classmates. Under the subject I typed " Reply immediately after receiving". But the thing is, I am a bit skeptical about the grammar of the sentence
which I always am when it comes to using English either in speaking or writing. But this time I am asking you native speakers of English.

Would you have said it differently? and my second question is can I reword the sentence in the following way:

Replay as soon as you receive .. Or

Reply just as you receive.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The difference between as soon as and just as can be illustrated by comparing...

1: John opened the door as soon as I rang the bell
2: John opened the door just as I rang the bell

...where #1 means there was a minimal delay between the two events - presumably because John wasn't far from the door at the time, and he went and opened it as quickly as possible once he heard the doorbell.

But #2 means there was no delay. John must have already been just about to open the door (perhaps he was going out anyway, and had no idea that someone was about to ring the bell).

It's not idiomatic to use just as in OP's context (native speakers would struggle to understand the intent, and might well end up "deciphering" it as Reply in the same manner as you receive [the message] (perhaps, If you got this message by email, reply by email, not by a phone call).

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