Learn English – Asking something “just for general knowledge” – acceptable idiom


can I use this words (just for general knowledge) in the following context?

Miss. Liz is a secretary of my department at the university.


"Miss Liz, just for general knowledge, can I combine my law study (L.L.B) with
another studies in another faculties? (like biology or something else
in the science)"

I mean that I don't want really yet to do that, but I ask it just to know and as an option for the future. I hope that I explained myself understandably.

Best Answer

This is not idiomatic. The bare noun knowledge suggests a general body of knowledge rather than a known fact, unless that is explicitly specified with an of PP or that clause.

I think most people would say Just so I know, or Just for the sake of knowing, or Just out of curiosity, or perhaps Just in case I ever need to know.

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