Learn English – Asking whether it will take a long time to complete something


If I want to ask someone whether it will take a long time to complete something, can I ask

Will it take long?

Does this sentence look awkward or is it the correct way to ask?

Best Answer

Sure. There are lots of ways you could ask, and that's one of them:

  • Will it take long?
  • Will it take a long time?
  • Will it take a long time to finish?
  • When do you think it'll be done?
  • When do you think it might be done?
  • Could you tell me when you think it might be done?
  • Do you have any idea how long it might take?

As usual, you can insert meaningless hedge words like might to soften the question, and you can make it more polite by using less direct language such as could you instead of will. What level of politeness or directness is appropriate is, of course, something you'll have to determine by context.

And context can change everything. For example, if you're dropping off a document to get copies printed up, you might ask when you can come back to pick them up. The following question isn't literally about when the printing will finish or how long it will take, but it would nonetheless be a perfectly natural way of asking:

  • When should I come back?

But speaking devoid of context, your way is fine.