Learn English – Assure, make sure vs get sure


I was wondering if you could let me know that which one of the three choices in the following self-made scenario doesn't sound natural and why:

  • Last night I went to her home. She was so sad. I immediately found out that something has happened. I asked her what's wrong with you? She said I broke up with Dany (her boyfriend). She was crying all that time. I spoke to her and after a long conversation when I was telling her my own love story, she calmed down and fell asleep on the sofa. When I ………….. that everything was OK, I left there.

a) assured

b) made sure

c) got sure

For me, they all sound OK grammatically but I have no idea if they do semantically to you as natives.

Best Answer

1) Use one of the options :

When I *made sure* that everything was OK, I left there.

2) You can restructure the sentence as :

When I **was assured** that everything was OK, I left. 

(no need of there)

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