Learn English – “Back to the Future” – tense problem


So I was watching an episode of the TV show Big Bang Theory and the characters where talking about tenses in regard to the movie Back to the Future II. They said this:

Leonard: If future Biff goes back to 2015 right after he gives young Biff the Almanac, he could get back to the 2015 with Marty and Doc in it. Because it wasn’t until his 21st birthday that 1955 Biff placed his first bet.

Sheldon: But whoa, whoa. Is placed right?

Leonard: What do you mean?

Sheldon: Is placed the right tense for something that would’ve happened in the future of a past that was affected by something from the future?

Leonard: [thinks] Had will have placed?

Sheldon: That’s my boy.

My question is:

Is this grammatically correct to say Had will have placed in this situation?

I think it was called the back to the future episode.

Best Answer

This is mainly a joke. There isn't a real tense in English to say "something that would’ve happened in the future of a past that was affected by something from the future," probably because no one has ever encountered such a situation. There's no grammatically correct way to combine tenses in this way.

If I had to make an actual "correct" sentence for this, I would say something like, "But it wasn't until his 21st birthday that 1955 Biff would have placed his first bet in that timeline." But again, there aren't really any rules in grammar about how to talk about time travel. If there were, maybe we had will could have used them.

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