Learn English – Backshifting in reported speech – “I wanted to let you know that he HAS/HAD sent you the letter”


Grammar rules say that when converting a sentence from direct speech to indirect, the reported speech is converted to past tense if the first part of the sentence (reporting verb) is in the past tense.

Direct speech: John said, “I will give you a pen”.
Indirect Speech: John said that he would give me a pen.

S1: I wanted to let you know that he has sent you an email

S2: I wanted to let you know that he had sent you an email

I have seen people write S1 even though it doesn't follow the grammar rule regarding change of tense in the reported speech.

Which of these ones correct and incorrect? Why correct and why wrong?

Best Answer

If the situation reported is still valid at the time of reporting, backshifting is optional. See Swan (2005) Practical English Usage, pages 275-6, for several examples.

John said that he would give me a pen. Correct in all situations.

John said that he will give me a pen. Possible if John has not yet given the pen to the speaker.

S2: I wanted to let you know that he had sent you an email. Correct in all situations.

S1: I wanted to let you know that he has sent you an email. Possible if the sending was so recent that 'you' may not yet be aware of this.

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