Learn English – Belong and Own as transitive or intransitive verb


I learned that Belong and Own are Intransitive verbs, hence they cannot be used in passive voice. If we use these sentences with is/was they become passive. But can we use this construction to tell someone's status?

Example 1

Is this property belong to my father? (Question)

Yes, this property is belong to your father (Answer)


Example 2
Is this property owned by my father? (Question)

Yes, this property is owned by your father (Answer)

Are both my examples correct?

Can we use belong and own as stative verbs?

Best Answer

"Own" is transitive, and takes a Direct Object:

  • X owns Y

"Belong" is intransitive, and takes an Indirect Object (or none at all):

  • A belongs to B

  • C does not belong here

As for your examples: in Example 1, neither the question nor the answer is in correct form. They should be;

Q: Does this property belong to my father?

A: Yes, this property belongs to yout father.

(Neither of these is in passive voice. They can't be, because "belong" is intransitive.)

in Example 2, both the question and the answer are formed correctly. Both are in passive voice, which is possible because "own" is transitive.

Your last query, about whether "belong" and "own" can be used as stative verbs, has nothing to do with your examples or with the title of your Question.

If I understand correctly, both "own" and "belong" are stative verbs, no matter how you use them, but the stative/active distinction is independent of the transitive/ intransitive distinction.