Learn English – Best way to request/ask for fast resolution of an email


Their are few scenerio where i am seaching some best way to express the intention –

I heard a guy saying to his boss something like this –

Sir, I dropped an email to IT team to format the machine and you are also in CC. Please TOP on this email to get the faster resolution

in this sentence maybe I missed something near to TOP word, but I am sure he used TOP here.

Could somebody provide me the correct sentence in this scenerio.

Good explanation of scenerio and other best sentence are most welcomed and appriciated.


Best Answer

I would recommed the idiom "get right on".

Please get right on this email to get it resolved faster.

YD defines get on it as:

to begin working on something or to take responsibility for working on something

TFD notes that including the word right adds a sense of urgency:

get right on something

to do something immediately. I know it has to be done today. I'll get right on it.
Please get right on these reports as soon as possible.

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