Learn English – better way to say “There are many people poorer than you.”


Our manager has recently hired a new assistant. She is a good woman, but she likes to complain to me when she can not afford to buy something new. She told me she wanted to buy some Chanel fashion accessories but the wages were way not enough. There are lots of things she wants to buy, too. Then one day, I thought I should stop her, or I would go crazy, so I said,

Stop it please, (her name)… There are many people poorer than you. They can not even afford healthy food but you just always want to spend all your money on luxuries.

I want to make the quote better by replacing poor with some other words, because it is not appropriate (it is offensive to the poor).

Can you help me please?

Best Answer

While I agree with user3169 that "poorer" is not offensive, an obvious replacement would be worse off.

Many people are worse off than you.

which includes an implied final "are".

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