Learn English – Between/over yesterday and today


What kind of construction should I use to succinctly communicate to someone that I did a total of four tests in the time period of yesterday and today? If I just say:

  • I did four tests yesterday and today.

It will be interpreted as meaning that I did a total of eight tests across the two-day period. So how can my idea be expressed? Would the preposition ‘between’ work? As in:

  • Between yesterday and today, I did a total of four tests.

What if I want to state the time frame int terms of days of the week?

  • Between/over Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I did four tests.

Of course, all of above is just my own attempt at an expression. If it’s not idiomatic please suggest better constructions.

Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I would say :

"I did 4 tests over the course of yesterday and today"

using "Over the course" implies that some event was in place. In your case your event was doing tests yesterday and today.

Or if you are still testing you can say:

"Since yesterday I've done 4 tests" (implying the testing is still happening).