Learn English – “Bo” – what does it mean exactly


What does it mean exactly when an Australian sends a greeting by "Bo" in daily conversation?

Does it just mean "hello"?

Does it have different meaning if it is said by a person from the native tribe in Australia?

  • Note 05/18/16

To appease my curiosity, I have asked the person and got this answer:

  • Bo is addressed to the opposite sex.

  • To emphasize, it is even said with double O –> Boo.

  • When I was listening to the explanation, I was supposed to believe that Bo is more than just a mate.

Thank you everyone for your responses. Have a great day!

Best Answer

Bo (slang) is a form of addressing a friend, a boy, a fellow.

1.another name for a friend

2.put in place of a person's name

Hey bo, what's shakin'?

Source: Urban Dictionary

Entry from British & World English dictionary:
bo 3
Pronunciation: /bəʊ/

US informal
Used as a friendly form of address.
Origin: Early 19th century: perhaps an abbreviated form of boy.

I first met this word reading P.G.Wodehouse.

“You’re lookin’ kind o’ sick, bo,” was Steve’s comment. “I guess you was hittin’ it up with the gang last night in one of them lobster parlors.” Bailey objected to being addressed as “bo”.

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