Learn English – Brief background “to” or “on” subject


I am writing a presentation which should include an outline.

I would like to present a short background for my subject. However, I just wonder how to express my outline in correct English writing.

  • Brief background on the subject.


  • Brief background to the subject.

Which one is correct and why?

Best Answer

TO: Yes

Quoting se16teddy from https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/background-of-to.1171743/ :

in the expression "background to Y", Y is in the foreground.
e.g.: The background to the story is the civil war.
Here, civil war is the background, story is foreground.
In your context, presentation is foreground, what you are going to say is background (right?). Therefore, YES.

ON: Yes

According to Cambridge Dictionary's entry on "background"

the conditions that existed before a particular event happened, and that help to explain why it happened:

Can you give me some background on (= information about the conditions that existed before) the situation?

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