Learn English – “Bundle up” or “wear warm clothing”


Dictionaries say that "bundle up" means "put on warm clothing" or "dress warmly". I need to know how do the sentences below differ in meaning:

  • It's very cold outside. Bundle up.
  • It's very cold outside. Wear warm clothing.

To me they both are common and mean the same thing, but I guess "bundle up" is more about the quantity of the warm clothes you put on and "put on warm clothing" implies the type of clothes that you should put on (here, warm clothes).

Please let me know how would you interpret them?

Best Answer

I think you have a point - bundle up can be thought of as put on a lot of layers, while wear warm clothing might mean put on thick and insulating clothing. But bundle up could also just mean put on a warm jacket - and I think this phrase is more colloquial. Dress warmly, which you also mentioned, is pretty much the same. I don’t think there’s much difference among the three phrases in practice.