Learn English – Call on vs Call at vs Call up (at)


I have seen both "call on" and "call at" used in English. Sometimes people just shorten it to "call"

  • She called me on my cell phone.
  • You should call him at '789-263-552'.

I've also stumbled upon phrases like:

  • You can call me up (at my home) in the evening.

So what is the exactly right usage?

One of my friends in America says that they use only "at" and phone number but never "on". So "on" must be British English I guess, but then should there be a number after "on" too? If so then "She called me on my cell phone." is incorrect and should be "She called my cell phone".

Where does the strange "call up (at)" come from?

Best Answer

At X is used if X is a place or point. If there is a list of something, especially if it's sequenced in numerical or alphabetical order, a single item of that list is considered a "point". So phone numbers would take at as the phone company has a big list of numbers to give out and yours exists on that list.

Call on X is a phrasal verb meaning to use X as a resource or ask X for help.

Call up X would emphasize the standard meaning of call without phrasal modification.

Call X on Y means to place a call to X using Y; Y would be a type of communications equipment or software, never a phone number. You could say Call X on Y at Z where Z is the phone number.

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