Learn English – Can “look up” mean “look straight”


What word should I use to tell someone to look straight when they are looking down while driving or while walking around? Would "look up" be okay? What would it be if they are looking right or left?

Best Answer

The standard expression is:

"Look where you're going!" (where watch and mind are commonly used instead of look)

...which can be applied to someone on foot, cycling, or driving, for example (it's usually preceded by "Why don't you" if they've just bumped in to you or your car).

For a single-word preposition, "Look out!" is normally used when the speaker is aware of some upcoming danger that he thinks his audience hasn't seen.

It's not very common to say "Look up!" (or down, etc.) to indicate the direction of danger. You normally only see that on traffic signs for pedestrians warning them to "Look Left" (or Right) where they're about to step onto the road (the sign indicates which side the prevailing traffic will be approaching from).