Learn English – Can we use ‘Because’ with ‘Although’


I have this statement in my writing.

Although the result is an incomplete graph representation, the study has taken that option because a single relationship often enhances
computational efficiency in resolving ambiguities.

Now, I am confused whether although and because both can put in a one construction…
So, please comments on my construction.

Best Answer

Your statement looks fine to me, although I have corrected a few unrelated grammatical errors because it helps to make the question clearer. :)

Although in this case is suggesting that an exception to a rule has been made. Here, the implied rule is that a graph representation is expected to be a complete one. It's perfectly reasonable to use because in the clause that explains why the exception has been made. Here's another example, using the recent Kentucky Derby result:

Although California Chrome won without a particularly fast time, this was because Espinoza eased him up at the end to save him for the Preakness.

The "rule" is that you want to run at a time comparable to the other great horses. The exception is that he was running fast enough to win and had another race to run soon.