Learn English – Can we use past tense of verb for present tense


Can we use past tense of verb for present tense?


a) If you finished this burger in 5 min I will give you one more.

I want to use Finished because I want to emphasis on completed action and not hypothesis. means if he did finish his burger then I will surely give him one more.

b ) If you finish this burger in 5 min I will give you one more.

Or should I simply say but this but it gives Idea of hypothesis. It also suggest his ability to finish burger. If he could able to finish it I will give him one more burger.

Best Answer

Finished is incorrect, you can't use past tense for present tense, but if you really meant to use past tense:

If you finished this burger in 5 minutes I would have given you one more.

So currently:

If you finish this burger in 5 minutes I will give you one more.

Is correct.

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