Phrase Usage – Can the Phrase ‘In Its Own’ Be Used Correctly?


While searching over internet I am finding phrases like "in its own right" or "in its own terms". I couldn't find the phrase "in its own".

Can we use the phrase "in its own" as it is. For example can we say,

Mathematics, in its own, is ultimately the study of numbers.

Best Answer

In its own is not English idiom, but there are similar expressions which are.

  • On its own may mean either "without the help of anything else" or "without being prompted by anything else"

  • By itself may mean either "without the help of anything else" or "unaccompanied by anything else"

What you probably want is

  • In itself or in and of itself—these have technical meanings in some philosophical traditions, but in non-technical use mean "considered independently of anything else"