Learn English – Capitalize i.e. and e.g.


When you start a sentence with acronyms such as i.e., e.g., or similar, how do you capitalize them? "I.e., …", or " I.E., …"? Thanks.

Best Answer

At the beginning of a sentence, capitalize the first letter:

E.g., a sentence like this one.

Inside a sentence, both letters go in lower case:

Both letters go in lower case, i.e., neither is capitalized.

Capitalization for Latin abbreviations works the same as if you were to spell out the words (which no one ever does). They're not acronyms. The second letter stands for the second word of the phrase (exempli gratia or id est), so you don't capitalize it, just as you don't normally capitalize the second word of a sentence.

If you did spell out the words, here's how the sentences would look:

Exempli gratia, a sentence like this one.

Both letters go in lower case, id est, neither is capitalized.

The principle is probably clearer if you see it with a Latin abbreviation where a word is abbreviated with more than one letter. Op. cit., which means "in the work (previously) cited" (opere citato), naturally gets only the O capitalized at the start of a sentence, since we normally capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a sentence.

More about "Latin in English" is here, including an explanation of what the abbreviations stand for.

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