Learn English – Comma problem in a long sentence (not only ~ but also)


Thousands of visitors from around the world travel to Siena during the summer; not only to witness the exciting race but also to attend the after-parties were thrown by the locals.

  • B. summer. Not
  • C. summer not
  • D. summer, not

I picked C, because there was no comma before "but also" part. But the book chose D, saying that:

The second half of the sentence is an incomplete idea and must be linked to the complete thought, eliminating choices (A), (B), and (C).

I don't think the explanation from the answer is right for this one. Why is the answer (D), instead of (C)?

Best Answer

The comma is there because the not only...but also portion is a subordinate clause. It only adds clarification and can be removed from the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence. That is what the book means by "incomplete idea". It cannot stand on its own, which eliminates (A) and (B), and it is subordinate to the main clause, which eliminates (C).

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