Learn English – Compared to or Comparing to


I am not sure what is compared in this phrase but it seems that people believe it as the correct word.

She is nice, compared to you.

You're nicer, compared to him.

But why? What makes compared correct? Grammatically a past verb needs a subject right? She compared her car with the new one this one is grammatical correct, but this one is not The car is better, compared to her old car which one is the subject? As a beginner in english, I'd rather take comparing as it is not against what I've learned

She is nicer, comparing to you

Comparing is the act of to compare. A gerund doesn't need subjects:

swimming is nice.

It's not done there, the whole thing is getting worse after someone says that compared is not a preposition nor conjuction but a plain past participle, everytime I ask people they say that's correct BUT no one has been able to explain it.

I may be wrong as a very beginner English speaker but please help me to figure out regarding this problem, what is the state of compared here? Is that past participle, past tense, conjunction or preposition, and what is the rules that make it correct?, thanks in advance! It has driven my concentration recently.

Best Answer

You can think of it this way

She is nicer, compared to you.
she is nicer, when compared to you.
she is nicer, if compared to you.

You're nicer, compared to him.
you're nicer, when compared to him.
you're nicer, if compared to him.

the same as

You're taller when measured against him.
you are taller than he is

If you'd rather use "comparing"

Comparing you and her, she is nicer.
comparing you to her, she is nicer.

Comparing you and him, you are nicer.
comparing you to him, you are nicer

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