Learn English – Confused about what “Sometimes choices make you” means


I heard this on TV:

Sometimes you make choices and sometimes choices make you.

I understand the first part, but what does

"sometimes choices make you"


From what I understand, a choice is when you can decide between two or more things. You get to pick which thing you want, which route to go, etc.

It was your parent's choice to have intimate time and you ended up getting created as a result of that choice.

Are there any other examples or metaphors that could be inferred from that phrase?

Best Answer

sometimes choices make you

It means that sometimes the choices you make influence who you become as a person.

As noted by @Sam I Am, this is not a normal phrase. It is designed to be the reverse of the first half of the sentence (you make choices), and seems to be ironically implying that while you expect to have control of your decisions, sometimes those decisions can effect (control) you.

In this case, it is also implied that these choices are especially important, hard, or have dramatic (possibly unexpected) results. Less obviously, it is likely implied that some portions of these choices are negative in some way (though this may not always be the case).


During your childhood, you become a delinquent, and end up committing a crime that lands you in prison for 10 years. This choice may "make you" into a fundamentally different person than if you had not gone to prison. Perhaps you now feel compelled to work helping criminals give up their lifestyles (because prison had such a negative effect on your life) rather than if you had not gone to prison and become, say, a wealthy banker.

Alternate Phrasing

Is there any other examples or metaphors that could be meant by that phrase?

The closest I would say would be:

"You (We) are the sum (total) of (all) our experiences"

Meaning what you experience in life shapes your personality, outlook on life and general approach to living.

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