Learn English – Confusion on preposition following “report”


I'm writing a passage titled "Report [] Projects for sth." I'm not sure which preposition I shall use. "on" vs "about" vs "of"? What are differences.

Moreover, it seems readily for me to get confused with this structure "noun. + prep. + none." Is there a good method to distinguish them? How can I get familiar with these? Thanks.

Best Answer

Specifically for the word "report", I'd use the following prepositions... (I'm assuming that the examples are the titles of the reports, so I'm using title case.)

Report on Air Pollution [report is about air pollution]

Report of/by My Research Group [report is written by my research group]

Report to/for the Environmental Protection Agency [report is written for the EPA]

These prepositions can of course be combined:

Report on Air Pollution for the EPA by My Research Group

The question of when to use prepositions in general is too broad to cover in this site's Q&A format.