Learn English – Conversion to Passive Voice


Please help me change the voice of the following sentence:

I will finish the job by the end of this week.

My answer is:

The job will be finished by me by the end of this week.

However, I am debating if 'by me' is redundant. That is:

The job will be finished by the end of this week.

Best Answer

No, by me here is not redundant. It simply marks the agent(doer) of the action. It's different from the latter example that doesn't answer the who-question. Compare

The job will be finished by me by the end of this week.(We know you'll finish it)

The job will be finished by the end of this week. (This is ambiguous. It invites the unanswered who-question. We don't know who will do the job)

But anyway,

The job will be finished by me by the end of this week.

Is not a good writing. You should move the adverbial to the initial position.

By the end of this week, the job will be finished by me.