Learn English – Correct passive voice version of “Do not disturb me”


This multiple-choice question appeared in an exam:

Change the voice active /passive: Do not disturb me.

A. Let me not be disturbed.
B. Let I not be disturbed.
C. Let disturb me not.
D. Let not disturb me.

Some are saying the answer should be A, while some are saying the answer should be B. I know C and D can never be the answer to this. I think A is correct.

Can someone give an answer with explanation?

Best Answer

The process of elimination leaves me with answer A.

Do not disturb me in the passive voice becomes Let me not be disturbed. Here's why.

When imperative sentences are changed to the passive form, they generally follow this rule:

Let + object + be + past participle

I is a subject pronoun. It cannot be used as an object. Me, on the other hand, is an object pronoun. Therefore, it makes sense only to use me after let and not I.

For more information, you could refer to this.