Learn English – Could not help but xxx-Time tense


I am an English learner. I am stuck with the usage of "could not help but xxx"
What would be a proper time tense used after the "but"?
Should we always use the Original Form or use the respective forms (e.g. did when referring events happened in the past)
So which is correct?

I could not help but laugh at her yesterday.

I could not help but laughed at her yesterday.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The phrase you have provided is what's known as a negative polarity item (NPI) - a phrase that only appears in negative contexts - and uses the form:

  1. "I could not help but to [infinitive]..."

  2. "I could not help but [infinitive]..."

2 is just a shortened version of 1, and tends to be more commonly used.

...so to use your example:

I could not help but laugh at her yesterday.

That being said, we tend to write "I could not help but laugh" - when speaking, the contracted form "I couldn't help but laugh" is more natural usage of the expression.

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