Learn English – “Crave” as a verb vs “craving” as a noun


Imagine you and a friend of you are having your lunch in a first class restaurant. You have never had lunch with him. You find the manner he has his meal pretty interesting and appetizer. Which one of the following sentences would work properly and correctly here to be said to the friend in our scenario:

  • The way he is eating is giving me craving too.

  • The way he is eating is making me crave too.

  • The way he is eating is making me to crave too.

  • The way he is eating is craving me too.

I didn't find any useful link in internet in this respect so I decided to share it with you and ask about the acceptable structure here.

Best Answer

None of the above are correct and it's unclear what you're trying to say with this. I can't imagine the way someone eats giving anyone a craving. The food they are eating could give you a craving for that food.

You might say

  • "His tacos looked so good, it gave me a craving for some."
  • "I'm craving tacos."
  • "His tacos smelled so good, now I crave some."
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